Teen Titans – building strong minds

Unlock your adolescents potential with this interactive, engaging, and supportive online group program. Through this program, adolescents can effectively develop and practice executive function and self-regulation skills in a safe and encouraging environment.

Study With Me

This online collaborative study group provides accountability, helping you stay focused and motivated by working alongside others with similar goals in a productive environment. The structure of these groups, using techniques like time blocking, helps reduce distractions and improves time management, which is particularly useful for students with ADHD. Study With Me is a supportive community fostering a sense of shared progress and reduces feelings of isolation, encouraging continuous productivity.

Surviving Holidays

During the holiday season, increased responsibilities can lead to heightened stress. Recognizing the signs of stress is essential for maintaining mental well-being while managing these additional pressures.

What we do

Executive Coaching

Discover and unleash your power of resilience to cope with stressful events.

Neuropsychological Assessments

Develop deeper understanding of who you are in order to foster self compassion.


Identify cognitive strengths and challenges to create individual support plans.

“It seems to me that the good life is not any fixed state. … It is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.”

Rogers, 1961/1995

our benefit to you

The Oshia team of clinical psychologists provide holistic high-quality health care through personalised multidisciplinary support plans.

  • Face to face
  • Telehealth
  • Cognitive & diagnostic assessment

Enhance your wellbeing

Book your appointment now